Pi Day

You all know March 14 is Pi day, right? 3/14 (to the part of the world that is crazy and writes dates backwards like that), similar to 3.14, the rounded-off value of Pi. Geeks celebrate by eating pies!

I was busy during the day, and didn’t get around to posting a picture of the pie I made on time yesterday, but here it is. Sorry about the lousy picture, but I was in a hurry to snap a picture before Mme. Minty started devouring it!


I veganized this recipe I found online, and it was delicious… Chocolate Almond Strawberry Linzertorte. It is a variation on the classic german tart made with an almond-based crust and jam filling. The crust is closer to a cookie than pastry, and it has a dense, rich flavour.

I hope you all had a great 3/14/15 šŸ™‚

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